Chatbots are gaining more attention in the field of marketing as the benefits of chatbot are getting more popular. Being an early adopter of chatbot technology will give you a major advantage as a marketer over other competitors.
The stats predict that by the end of 2020 about 80% of business will adopt chatbot to increase their Business revenue.
People are 10x more likely to engage with a chatbot! So, what makes these little AI features so effective?
It’s an exciting time to dive in and learn all the benefits of chatbot marketing.
Check out: The definitive guide to chatbots for business
Now its checkout what are the benefits of chatbot :
Better Open rates
The Number of People who prefer chatbots has been increased in the recent years and has recorded-high in numbers. Messaging is the main way of interacting with customers which gives quick responses in a simple way.
Chatbot has higher open rates than email because of its interactive and immediate response. It asks questions in real time and be able to solve your problem with ease. People don’t have to wait to get their answers.
The chatbot platform has driven more number of customers. Buyers also love these systems because they can skip complicated explanations and just send the information they want to know.
Better engagement
Its one of the important benefits of chatbot as business with higher engagement can boost their sales up. This is the main reason behind social media marketing. Most of the business are trying to be present on the social media to engage and interact with the customers.
Bots can use visual content like videos and images to keep customers interested. A character driven experience to the customers helps in better engagement.
Rapid growth in Messenger apps
Many brands are still unsure of using Messenger marketing to their business. Is it really worth?
Users are spending more time on messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, WeChat, and others. Using Chatbots in messaging platforms allow brands to interact personally.
Messaging apps will soon leverage on technologies such as chatbot to deliver smarter and better engagement with the customers. More and more businesses are adopting chatbot technology to improve their customer experience.
According to Facebook Messenger product manager Kemal El Moujahid –
Messaging experiences run on top of the mobile OS layer, and this stack is already much more standardised than the various mobile devices could ever be. And in places like China, the shift already happened: 40% of WeChat user’s message with a business every day(source: Qi’eZhiku 2016).
When used in the right effective way Messenger apps can leverage business.
Personalised Experience
Personalisation appeared to have a positive effect on the click-through rate. Personalising according to the specific customer helps to aim target audience.
It’s important for the brands to consider the user experience first. They should look at how they can deliver a better, more personal, experience to customers across many touch points.
Creating a pleasant chatbot interface and unique experience will enhance the efficiency of chatbot. Differentiating the product service and information to increase sales and customer satisfaction helps to drive and serve customers.
Social Media Presence
Being on the social media helps in establishing strong relationship with the customers. The best way to engage with the customers in social media is by chatbot marketing.
Chatbots can inform, educate and entertain — all on a single platform! Any Marketing strategy without social media is termed to be incomplete. So if your brand has an account on different social media platforms, make sure you engage with your customers with chatbot.
Gather and analyse customer data
Chatbots are built with a purpose to understand human behaviour and provide data analysis about the customer. A chatbot can get customer insights like user location, type of device, browser which helps in personalising. Chatbot marketing helps us to increase user engagement and acquire new customers specially for shopify store and ecommerce websites.
Bot analytics provide brands an opportunity to go even deeper into their data analysis. Brands can take strategic as well as tactical decisions based on the analytics derived by bots. The analytics will provide complete picture of their customers.
Chatbots interact with customers directly in the real time, and not via some 3rd party such as a social network. Which means, the brand can avoid collecting data analysis from scattered sources, it is simple to extract the data made available by the bot.

Make payments easier
Chatbots are becoming more popular with more number of companies are trying to adapt chatbot technology. Chatbots in messaging apps offer brands a way to reach customers in a scalable, personalized manner.
They are designed to provide direct communication between customers and brands. Who needs yet another app when you can do everything via your messaging program?
Chatbots are designed to receive the payments. The platform operators build the kind of chatbot that user makes payment in a simpler way. Payments can be processed centrally by the platform operator using payment data.
Payments capabilities to chat apps could not only increase usage of chat apps also generate significant revenue to your business.
Lead nurturing
This is one of the important benefits of chatbot as chatbots helps by automating the initial process of capturing more leads and predicts customer’s buying journey.
Bots can collect information such as location, price range, gender, characteristics and lot more. What it does is it saves the time of both client and agent by collecting necessary information.
The chatbot marketing helps in identifying target customers so you never want to waste your time to set new lists for targeted people.
The bots are more reliable in engaging potential clients and ensures leads stay connected after the initial contact is made.
Quick response time
The bot resolves the customer problems within no time. Quick response time will be a major factor for keeping the customers engaging.
For example bot can schedule the meeting to give you time to do more important things.
Customer service is important for brand to clarify product related questions. New services are now focusing on the wave of A.I. technologies for businesses.
Bots can reduce wait times for customers and solve issues faster. The future of A.I. is incredibly bright and continue to help us with the everyday tasks.
Notify relevant messages
Users need not always initiate the process even bot can start its own conversation when it is required.
It notifies the relevant users about a new order being placed, and acts upon it based on the response from the required user. It is a great feature of bot that sends relevant messages, alerts when it is necessary.
A bot can update the product features, maintenance messages, and product usage statistics to its users to keep customers updated about their brands. Even bots can be featured in advertisements.
This are some of the benefits of chatbot which are an exciting trend for business that can extend your brand’s value by using chatbot marketing. You can build your own chatbot without any coding experience with already existing platforms. Using chatbot at the right time can grow your business and can help in reaching larger audience within quick time.
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[…] would also want to read: 10 benefits of adopting chatbot marketing to your business How chatbots can bring enormous results in your social media […]
Very useful blog indeed i got some useful information through your blog, implementation of chatbot in any business is very useful for the growth of the business.
[…] 2020, 80% of all businesses will use chatbots to increase revenue and overall engagement levels. Once […]
[…] the effectiveness of instant messages, maybe understanding their popularity will help: a whopping 80 percent of businesses are expected to adopt chatbot by 2020! How many of your competitors could be among these companies? […]
[…] 2020, 80% of all businesses will use chatbots to increase revenue and overall engagement levels. Once […]
Really a nice article. Chatbots plays a vital role in the growth and revenue of an organization.